"Body language" in the Izmailovsky Kremlin

From November 19 to December 14, the Art-Kremlin Gallery of the Kremlin in Izmailovo Center of Russian Culture hosted an exhibition of graphic and painting works by Mikhail Novokshchenny “Body Language.” # Nbsp;
Mikhail Novokshchenny is a contemporary postmodernist artist for whom the synthesis of art and nature is important. A series of works depicting a nude body was created throughout his life, starting with student sketches and sketches of models, which he did during his years at the Repin Academy. Today, the artist's philosophical interest in the topic of the human body has been embodied in an independent creative project "Body Language". # Nbsp;
Mikhail Novokshchenny seems to be inviting viewers to a dialogue. The very title of the exhibition hints at the fact that in every figure and even the bend of the body there is a meaning, content that can be “read” is only necessary to master a certain language of narration. # Nbsp;
The skill of a draftsman - graphics are combined in Novokshchenny's works with an innovative approach to the use of artistic materials. The extraordinary inner energy of the master and his deep experience of the gracefulness of the human body are conveyed by the original mixed technique. Initially, the artist makes an image on canvas with charcoal and ink, and then adds alkyd enamel to it, which gives a dense pastiness and a transition from a matte surface to a glossy one. Recently, Mikhail has introduced dry oil into his painting technique, which gives him the opportunity to finish painting on dry basis, returning again and again to the canvas. # Nbsp;
Thanks to creative experiments with the technique and manner of depicting nature, the master's works are distinguished by an illusory perspective: with different illumination of the canvas, various spaces and transitions from the foreground to the background open up to the viewer's eye, the edges of the far and the near shift. The multidimensionality of Novokshchenny's painting forces us to consider each canvas from different angles, looking for unexpected images in each figure. # Nbsp;
Depicting the female body in different poses and from different angles, the artist seeks to convey the aesthetics of human wildlife, to show the beauty and perfection of the proportions of the human body. Painting Novokshchenny reminds viewers of the harmony of the internal and external state of a person. The rich coloring of each work, discordant color spots and a certain rhythm of brush strokes expose the emotional experiences of the model, as if splashing out on the viewer certain emotions contained in each painting. # Nbsp;
For the artist himself, the heroes of his works personify movement, air, freedom for self-expression, which he received free from the shackles of classical academic art. # Nbsp;
The human body, captured on canvas and paper by the artist's hand, overcomes the transience and variability of all living things in the world, takes on a new life on the canvas, which develops according to other laws of the universe.